This is how Nico Gaddi was called, who like no other lets the viewer feel the fascination of his island – Grado – and the lagoon.

Nico is fascinated by Grado and its lagoon. Grado, its inhabitants as well as the historic center on the one hand and the lagoon, the sea, the waves, the wind, the tides, the seagulls and sea creatures on the other, are infinite and essential sources of inspiration for Nico

Grado – his island – holds him captive as Circe did not let Odysseus go, and even if he sometimes dreams of going away, leaving everything behind, Grado is always stronger.

Nico’s photos are analog, unretouched, real, even when he must wait for hours or days for the right light, for the right moment, for the “shot”. 

Nico is – as he says of himself – completely analog, unretouched, real. Behind his dark glasses – almost a trademark – he observes everything and everyone very clearly, without the observed becoming aware of it.

“Io vedo per vivere… è quello che faccio”

“I see to live…this is what I do”

Black and white
The sea
La mia laguna