Nico, as he says himself, has an indissoluble connection with his homeland and its inhabitants. 

Perdòn de Barbana

He loves and lives the local customs, such as the annual pilgrimage of the fishing boats to the pilgrimage church on the island of Barbana, which he also photographs. 


Nico loves presenting his extraordinary nativity scenes populated with marine animals at the traditional nativity scene exhibitions “Mostre di Presepi”.

Graisan – Musica

For Nico, the “Graisan”, the language of the Gradese, is the most beautiful, poetic and expressive language in the world. He writes, composes and sings songs with great enthusiasm in Graisan and participates several times in the Festival de la Canzone Gradese. 

“Quando non lavoro – musica”

“When I’m not working – Music”

Foto di Vinicio Patruno

Heartfelt thanks to Alex Scaramuzza for his video in memory of Nico with a song composed by Andrea Cicogna sung by Nico in “Graisan”.