• Nives, Angelo del Mare, sculpture from 2006

At the – as Nico said – most beautiful spot in Grado, on the Diga (or “Reparo” in Graisan) next to the town hall, Nico created his sculpture Nives, Angelo del Mare in 2006. 
Nives looks towards the rising sun, looks at the sea, hears the endless murmur of the waves, is caressed by the setting sun and shines softly in the shine of the moon. 
Nico honours his mother Nives, who died in 2005, with his sculpture.

  • Rondine del Mare

After Nico’s death in 2022, the city of Grado acquired one of his great sculptures, the “Rondine del Mare”or “Scagalaccio”.

You can admire the sculpture in the entrance of the Palazzo dei Congressi.
Viale Italia, 2

  • Trattoria alla Vittoria 

A wooden sculpture by Nico invites you to visit the trattoria.
Via delle Corte, 2/3

  • La Taverna dell’Pesce 

(formerly Spaghetti House) 

In the Taverna black and white photographs are reminiscent of Nico’s work.
Via Gradenigo, 27

  • La Botega di Nico

This was Nico’s shop and studio.
Via Gradenigo, 19

  • Taverna Ai Patriarchi

The Taverna Ai Patriarchi is located in the small alley that leads to the back entrance of Nico’s Botega. It was “Nico’s living room”, as he himself noted. He was often at the counter discussing with friends and customers just opposite the entrance of his Botega.
Campo San Ermagora e Fortunato, 5

  • Oricalco – Laboratorio Orafo

At Francesco Mansi you can admire some of Nico’s works.
Via Gradenigo, 12

  • Taxi Bar

At the Taxi Bar of Susy and Paolo you can discover several small fish sculptures of Nico as well as a graphic.
Nico often went to the lagoon by boat with Paolo to capture the lagoon’s beauty.
Piazza Duca D’Aosta, 36

  • Foglianera

Nico at times worked on projects with Alessandro Bean, the goldsmith. 
A small reminder of Nico are Alessandro’s silver bracelets with Nico’s famous Grado skyline.
Piazza Duca D’Aosta, 47

  • Trattoria Da Toni

Nico’s “Grado Skyline” adorns the bottles of Gintonego, which was created by Ricardo Gaddi, a relative of Nico’s. Spiced with “Santonego”, a plant from the lagoon, the gin and Nico’s unmistakable skyline of Grado go perfectly together.
Piazza Duca D’Aosta, 37

  • L’isola al Mercato

Nico produced special labels with the Grado skyline for Giancarlo who offers regional products at the Market.
Via Duca d’Aosta, 37

  • Ristorante Agli Artisti

A sculpture in the shape of the rudder of a traditional Grado fishing boat is the logo of the restaurant designed by Nico Gaddi. A large wooden sculpture adorns the facade of the restaurant, and a wooden rudder invites you to enter.
Campiello Grande, 2

  • Libreria Thomann

At the bookstore Thomann you can discover some of Nico’s photo books.
Piazza Duca D’Aosta, 7

  • Hotel Marea

In the restaurant of the Hotel Marea the visitor gets an insight into the variety of Nico’s artistic work – from black and white photographs to sculptures. Photographs adorn a row of the hotel rooms.
Via dei Provveditori, 6

  • Villa Marin

At Villa Marin you can discover a photograph of the lagoon.
Via Provveditori, 20

  • Studio Marin

A wall-filling photo of the lagoon welcomes the customers of Studio Marin right at the entrance.
Via Marchesini, 3

  • Biblioteca Falco Marin

The lending library offers, among other things, 4 small picture books by Nico from the 90s, which are out of print, as well as the three latest picture books by Nico.
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 20

  • Hotel La Sirenetta

In the restaurant of the hotel guests can admire two graphics of Nico’s.
Via Milano, 1

  • Restaurant La Dinette

In the restaurant La Dinette you can not only experience the beautiful sunsets of Grado, but also admire a large “revoco” sculpture of Nico featuring two very special fish at the bar.
Riva Giovanni da Verrazano, 1 (Porto San Vito)

  • Caffetteria Bar Brioni

Giulia is proud of a small fish sculpture of Nico, which she received for the inauguration of the café. Riva Brioni, 13

  • Laura e Christian Rooms

At the entrance, an artistically designed wooden rudder of an old Grado fishing boat points to Nico’s work.
Guests will enjoy discovering a series of images, photographs and sculptures that Laura has collected over the years.
Via Giacomo Leopardi, 10

  • Bar al Porto

The Bar al Porto seems like a small museum in honour of Nico. You can discover many of his graphics, sculptures and murals of the harbor and the skyline. Here the great breadth of Nico’s work is revealed. An essential subject of the graphics are “forcole”, as the oar holders of the Grado wooden fishing boats are called.
The wooden table made of solid wood is one of Nico’s last works, made from a part of a traditional Grado fishing boat.
Nico’s brother Luca and his family are particularly proud of Nico’s work.
Piazza Marinai D’Italia, 2

  • Gianni Maran

Nico and the Gradese artist Gianni Maran had a long artistic friendship, which was also expressed in joint exhibitions and artistic projects.
Riva Canal de Maran, 2

  • Pastoricchio Cornici

Gianluca Pastoricchio and his father have given Nico’s works the right frame for many years.
Piazza Marinai d’Italia, 11

  • Mandracchio Bistrot

“I miss him,” says Sandro, the chef of Mandracchio Bistrot and good friend of Nico’s. Two of Nico’s large photos and his typical wooden fish sculptures await guests.
Piazza Marinai d’Italia, 10

  • Trattoria Al Pescatore

Nico recently created the logo for Trattoria Al Pescatore and was finishing a big fish.
Riva Dandolo, 10

  • Hotel Regina

Nico’s giant whale has moved from his botega into the foyer of Hotel Regina, with photos of lagoon landscapes adorning the hotel rooms.
Via Caprin, 19

  • L’immobiliare a Grado

The owners, Ondina and her son Dennis, are proud of the works of Nico in their office – photos, the skyline and a sculpture. As they tell us, Nico – like for so many Gradese – photographed all the important family events.
Viale Europa Unita, 9

  • Bar la Taca

At the old harbour, Sandro Toso’s Bar la Taca is home to a work by Nico from his early creative years, when he experimented with the combination of photography and painting. Sandro recalls Nico’s “golden hands”; he could do anything, he says – Nico built some traditional wooden fishing boats with him
Piazzetta San Marco 12

  • Home Design

At Home Design you can see some of Nico’s black and white photos of the lagoon. Massimo, the owner, knows many interior design projects in Grado with partly monumental works by Nico.
Via Rossini, 2

  • Michele Medeot 

The tax consultant’s clients can admire three exceptional graphics by Nico

Michele Medeot
Consulenza amministrativa e fiscale
Riva Sebastiano Scaramuzza 3

  • Hotel Savoy

Nico worked for a while as a chef at the Savoy Hotel in his youth, and he had a long friendship with the Soyer family. In 2019, the Hotel Savoy was also the location of a major exhibition of Nico’s “arte del revoco”
Riva Slataper, 12

  • Trattoria Alla Buona Vite

On the other side of the bridge leading from Grado to Aquileia, at Boscat, the Trattoria hosts several works of Nico.
Via Dossi, 7 (Boscat)

At Grado Pineta

Nico had his “Laboratorio”, a studio where he created his larger works, at Grado Pineta.
When he was not in his botega, he spent many hours, many nights, in the laboratory.
With his dog Gus, for whom he had created a kind of “carello” because Gus could no longer move his hind legs well, he could be met in Pineta on beach walks.
Traces of Nico can also be discovered in Grado Pineta.

  • Residence al Bosco

The Residence al Bosco is like an art gallery, with a “collage” of Nico’s photos right at the entrance. Photos of the lagoon, its plants and animals as well as photos of Grado adorn the entrance hall, the breakfast room and the corridors. Guests of Residence al Bosco can admire wonderful photos of the lagoon in the apartments.
Strada La Rotta 1-2, Grado Pineta

Edilgrado Costruzione

Photos of the lagoon can also be discovered in the office of Edilgrado Costruzione.
Viale del Capricorno 53, Grado-Pineta

Cason Mota Safòn

Nico loved the traditional life of fishermen in the lagoon. He also documented this together with his friends of the “Graisani de Palù”, especially Giorgio Guzzon. 
A trip to the island of “Cason Mota Safòn” offers the opportunity to visit a traditional fishing hut. The main building contains an exhibition on Pier Paolo Pasolini, who shot “Medea” with Maria Callas. 
A second building documents the lives of fishermen and their families in the lagoon. Nico in his photo documentation shows the hard everyday life and customs of the lagoon inhabitants.
For the Graisani de Palù, Nico also designed the subject of their T-shirt, on which a seagull floats over the lagoon.

The Consorzio Grado Turismo offers excursions to Mota Safòn in cooperation with the Graisani di Palù.


We present a number of works by Nico in private houses, which unfortunately cannot be visited.

Private collections